We have reached our capacity for students at Chaffee school as of today, 2/24/25. Students will be placed on a waitlist upon registering.
Payment update: Payments can be made by check, money order (payable to Town of Oxford) or cash. Payments can be given to the supervisor at your program location. There is no MSB fee for these transactions. If you have any questions, please see Angie, Laurie or call September at 508-987-6050 x1123
EduCare is closed on the following dates:
Mon. Sept. 2, Labor Day
Mon. Oct. 14, Indigenous Peoples Day
Mon. Nov. 11, Veteran's Day
Wed.-Fri. Nov. 27-29, Thanksgiving break
Dec. 23-Jan. 1, Winter Break
Mon. Jan 20, Martin Luther King Day
Mon. Feb 17, President's Day (open full days T-F)
Mon. April 21, Patriot's Day (open full days T-F)
Mon. May 26, Memorial Day
Thurs. June 19, Junteenth
EduCare offers the following programs for Oxford students in grades K-5:
- Before School Program at Chaffee and Clara Barton 7:00 until school start
- After School Program at Chaffee and Clara Barton end of school until 5:30
- Half-days for parent teacher conferences
- Professional Development Days at Chaffee School 7-5:30
- School Vacation Programs Feb. and April at Chaffee School 7-5:30
- Summer Program June, July, August at Chaffee School 7-5:30
EduCare Phone Numbers
Each of the sites is overseen by a Site Supervisor. Site Supervisors can be contacted during the program hours of operation via the phone numbers below:
Chaffee Elementary | Clara Barton Elementary | Director's office |
508-735-2190 | 508-735-2256 | 508-987-6050 x1123 |
Click below for the official EduCare Parent Information Book!