Student Services and Special Education » Integrated Preschool Program

Integrated Preschool Program

Program Description

The Oxford Integrated Preschool Program provides a safe and nurturing environment for children three to five years old, with and without special needs. There are four classes in total, offering half day programming, located at Oxford High School in the rear of the building - Door 11.  Students are referred to the Early Childhood Education program from a variety of sources: parents, community based preschools, State of Massachusetts Early Intervention Program, area preschools, and local pediatricians.  The curriculum is in accordance with the Massachusetts Preschool Frameworks with the caveat of providing individualized instruction based on a student’s unique needs.

The integrated program promotes healthy emotional, social, cognitive, communicative and physical development of all children.  An understanding of child development, respect for the individual needs of children, and ongoing assessment are all used to plan, organize and direct the program.

Classes include groups of children ages three to five including:
  • Children with developmental delays who are identified through a collaborative assessment and an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
  • Typically developing children who pay tuition to attend
A team approach is used to facilitate learning. In addition to the classroom teacher and instructional aide, the team may include:
  • Speech and Language Pathologist
  • Physical Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst
  • School Guidance Counselor
  • School Nurse

The Oxford Public School District requires a cost-free developmental screening for three and four year old children who are interested in attending our Integrated Preschool Programs.  Any family interested in having their child attend the Oxford Preschool Program should fill out and submit a Preschool Screening Request Form (below).  Recognizing there may be many more applications than placements available for Peer Models, a lottery system will be utilized as a waiting list. 
Families will be contacted once their child is screened and receives a slot.  Once accepted into the Preschool program all new students must register for Preschool, which is a separate process. To register, please view the New Student Registration web page.

Peer Models

The Peer Component uses the following procedure to select students who will be enrolled in the program each year.  In order to have his/her application placed in the lottery, your child must be:
  • Three or four years of age by August 31st 
  • Toilet-trained
  • An Oxford Resident.

As a peer model, we expect your child to demonstrate the following:

  • Age appropriate cognitive, motor, social, and speech/language skills.
  • The ability to initiate and maintain positive interactions with children.
  • Participate and sustain attention in group activities.
  • Follow adult directions. 

Child Find

What is Child Find? Child Find is a process, required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) to locate children birth through 21, who may have a disability, and be eligible for early intervention or special education services.

Do you have questions or concerns about your child’s development? Preschool screenings could help you find some answers. Talk to your child’s pediatrician, preschool teacher or daycare provider about your concerns. You do not have to wait to see if your child will “outgrow” it. If you would like to address these concerns, call and make an appointment for a screening. Screenings during the school year are scheduled on Friday Mornings at the Oxford Early Childhood Center, located at Door 11 in the rear of the Oxford High School, 100 Carbuncle Drive, Oxford MA 01540

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